Frequently Asked Questions

Can I access VIA services at all NLCB Lottery Centres?

Yes, all VIA services are available at all NLCB Lottery Centres across Trinidad and Tobago

Are there any fees or charges when I make a payment through VIA?

There are no additional charges or transaction fees for mobile top up or bill payment.
However, there are charges for CourtPay voucher purchases.

Can I pay a bill on behalf of someone else?

Yes. The correct account number should be provided.

How do I verify that my payment was successful?

Verify the receipt provided by the operator. Check your utility provider. In the event that you payment is not applied, call the utility company and provide details from your VIA payment receipt.

How long will it take for my payment to be applied after I make a payment at VIA?
Utility Company Data Transfer Time Period
Airlink Communications Ltd.24 hours 
Amplia Communications Limited 24 hours 
Columbus Communications  (FLOW)24 hours 
Digicel Trinidad & Tobago Limited20 minutes 
DirecTVEvery hour 
Green Dot24 hours 
MAERSK Trinidad Limited24 hours 
Standard Distributors Limited24 hours 
Telecommunications Service of Trinidad and Tobago (TSTT)24 hours 
The American Stores Limited24 hours 
Trinidad and Tobago Housing Development Corporation 24 hours 
UNICOMER (Courts) 24 hours 
Water and Sewerage Authority (WASA)24 hours 

*Via sends payment data to utility company within this time period. Your account is then updated by the utility provider


What happens if the payment is accidentally made to the wrong account or for the wrong amount?
The customer should indicate this to the NLCB operator immediately. The operator will then contact the VIA call centre for further guidance.